C&C Marine

NavFleet – Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

NAVTOR is here to help ship owners and managers navigate the upcoming Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) regulations. With the enforcement date set for January 1st, 2023, these new CII tools within NavFleet empower proactive planning and compliance monitoring.

Key Features for CII Management

  1. Fleet Dashboard: Gain a clear, fleet-wide overview of each vessel’s CII rating.
  2. Vessel Comparison view.
  3. Voyage Analysis: Analyze individual voyages and their corresponding CII rating.
  4. Crew Dashboard: Keep crew informed by providing vessel CII data directly on board.
  5. Voyage Planner: Simulate emissions and CII ratings for planned voyages, allowing optimization of itineraries and speed.
  6. Data Extracts: Simplify environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting with new data extraction options.

Understanding CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator)

Adopted in June 2021, the CII regulation assigns a letter grade (A to E) to a ship’s annual carbon intensity. Vessels receiving “D” or “E” ratings for three consecutive years will be required to develop corrective action plans within their Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).

With these new CII tools, NAVTOR equips the shipping industry for a smoother transition towards decarbonization. Stay informed and compliant with NAVTOR’s support.

Contact us today for a free demo!

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