C&C Marine


C&C Marine manufactures and supplies life-saving signs, IMO fire control signs,
warning and mandatory signs, prohibition signs, training and safety posters


C&C Marine manufactures and supplies standard IMO signs, flags and tapes

The International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and Flag States require the use of photoluminescent signs on board to enhance safety and adequately communicate the location of safety equipment (life-saving devices, fire control, means of escape, etc.). Any type of safety equipment must be marked with an appropriate sign.

C&C Marine produces signage in accordance with the guidance provided in IMO and ISO regulations and supplies standard items designed for greater safety on board.

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Means of Escape Signs (MES)

Means of escape signs are safe condition signs used to indicate location within the ship and to provide directional guidance from any area within the ship to a designated assembly station and/or to exits and embarkation stations.

Emergency Equipment Signs (EES)

Emergency equipment signs are safe condition signs used to indicate the exact location of first aid facilities, first aid equipment, or portable safety equipment, the type of facility or equipment and any instructions for its use.

Lifesaving Systems and Appliances Signs (LSS)

Lifesaving systems and appliances signs are safe condition signs used to indicate the exact location or storage of the life/saving equipment, the type of equipment, the identification number and any instructions for its correct use.

Safety and Operating Instructions for trained personnel (SIS)

Safety and operating instructions for trained personnel are used to provide specific information to qualified shipboard and outside personnel on the use of specialized safety and fire protection equipment and lifesaving appliances on board ship.

Fire-Fighting Equipment Signs (FES)

Fire/fighting equipment signs are used to indicate the exact location of the fire/fighting equipment, the type of equipment and any instructions for its effective and safe use.

The locations of fixed and portable fire/fighting equipment and life/saving appliances should be clearly located at or near the equipment, at a height appropriate to the location of the equipment.

The use of arrows for signing the location of fire equipment should be avoided as much as possible except when the fire equipment and relevant identification sign are not visible from traffic areas within a space. In this latter case, additional safety signs supplemented by appropriate directional arrows should be provided to indicate the direction in which the equipment is located.

Warning Signs (WSS)

Warning signs are used to warn persons of possible dangerous conditions and hazards and risks that exist on board a ship.

Mandatory Action Signs (MSS).

Mandatory action signs are used to instruct persons of a specific course of action that shall be followed.

Multipurpose Combination Signs

According to the ISO 3864/1:2002 a multiple sign is a combination of message sign containing two or more safety signs and/or associated supplementary signs on the same rectangular carrier. E.g. layout for a multiple sign can be used to communicate a warning, a mandatory instruction to avoid risk of injury and/or provide a prohibition message. In multiple signs, the order of the safety signs should be arranged according to the importance of the safety message.

ISPS Signs

In essence, the Code takes the approach that ensuring the security of ships and port facilities is a risk management activity and that, to determine what security measures are appropriate, an assessment of the risks must be made in each particular case. The purpose of the Code is to provide a standardised, consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling Governments to offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities through determination of appropriate security levels and corresponding security measures.

Training and Safety Posters

Our posters are manufactured in high quality self/adhesive PVC and in accordance with ISO 3795 Standard. All posters are 200 µm thick, designed with a screen printing ANTI/UV and weatherproof material that ensure a very high performance when posters are used on weather decks.

In order to satisfy the customer needs, C&C Shipping Solutions posters have been developed by taking into considerations the latest shipping industry requirements and by using the technical expertise of senior officers as well as the expertise of some reputable maritime consultants.

Texts and drawings of our posters are fully compliant with OCIFIM, Port State Control, IMO and shipping industry recommendations. Moreover, C&C Sign Maker has an effective system in place that ensure continuous updating of posters’ text versus new or amended standards, conventions, law and recommendations.

Customize sign and language
Each sign can be customized in terms of print support, size, and language. Service on request.

Low Location Lighting (LLL/PL)

Low/location lighting (LLL) is required by the SOLAS Convention on all passengers ships carrying more than 36 passengers and also apply to the crew accommodation, to identify the route of escape when the normal emergency lighting is less effective due to smoke. IMO Res. A.752(18) requires the PL strips should be wide by 75 mm on, less only if their luminance is increased proportionally to compensate their width.

C&C LLL system, powered by CC/Glowmarine Photoluminescent (PL) products, complies with the IMO and ISO standard. All escape route, fire equipment location and Exit, should be marked with signs as per IMO resolution. Sliding fire door and watertight door should be marked with a sign showing how the door opens. Our LLL signs are printed in adhesive transparent PVC which must be applied to the PL strips. We supply complete LLL turnkey project world/wide, following the entire LLL system, starting from analysis and project. C&C Shipping Solutions is also a service supplier for LLL testing and measurement, with high quality Digital Photometer, compliant with IMO and ISO resolutions.

Yacht Signs

Bespoke sign dedicated to the luxury market of Yachts, tailor made using special size and special support. Contact us for offers.

Snap Frames

To expose the safety plan on board.


Technical tapes

Reflective tapes

SOLAS approved reflective tape is compliant to IMO Res. A658 is developed to provide high visibility to lifesaving equipment such as liferaft, lifeboat, rescue boat and lifebuoy, life vest in compliant with IMO regulation. High Performance Films are weather/resistant, conformable to a wide variety of surface. Strong eye/catching effect, excellent outdoor durability. Daytime warning signs.


Repair tape for leaking and cracked pipes. Quick repair kit including epoxy stick, gloves and application procedures.

Spray stop tapes

High/tech laminated multilayer aluminium tape, especially developed to prevent against the flammable spray of hot oil on board of latest regulations of IMO as stated in resolution A 653 (16). The IMO has amended SOLAS regulation 11/2/15.2.11 concerning provisions for
the prevention of fire in engine room including fires caused by the splashing and leaking of flammable liquids from piping joints and valves.

Hatch Cover tapes

Keeps out moisture, weather, sound and fumes from your valuable cargo, the blue liner ensures a tight seal when istalled according instructions. It has excellent resistance to salt and weather conditions. This tape can be installed between 5 and 40 °C and will stand from /15 to 70 °C.

Drip stop tapes

Can be used for prevention of leaks and splash of fluid, air and powder inside pipes and hoses. It’s also used for prevention of corrosion. It has an excellent weather resistance and can be used for all cables insulation covering. It doesn’t use any adhesive but will self close within 20 to 30 minutes by taping several overlaps.

Corstop zinc tapes

Special developed noncorrosive pure ( 99,9%) zinc layer. It is UV resistant and will not be affected by water, gas etc. Corrosion will not happen from the inside. Corstop Zinc tape is resistance till a temperature of 80 °C. It is used for protection against any direct corrosion. The presence of an adhesive layer, anchored on the surface to be protected, is an additional defence against corrosion.

Heat stop tapes

It is used for insulation of hot piping system on board, it meets SOLAS Regulation II/2/12.2.10, also comply with MSC 61 (67). It’s composed by Heat Stop tape and an adhesive aluminium roll.

Anticorrosive tapes

It is used for protection against corrosion and the water proofing of pipe, flanges and valves for marine use. It’s composed by a neutral compound based on satured petroleum hydro carbons (petrolatum) with inert fillers.

Antislippery adhesive tapes

This product was engineered to exceed OSHA standards by providing a durable, consistent non/slip surface. Superior resistance to chemicals and fluids grants internal onboard use. We can use assure the most aggressive durable adhesive system on the market. It meets SOLAS chapter II/2 regulation 13 providing slip free surface underfoot to direct access to the embarkation deck, external open stairway and passenger ways.

Photoluminescent tapes

Our photoluminescent tapes are powered by CC/Glowmarine, high intensity photoluminescent product.

Lettering for lifebuoy and rescue boat

We produce on demand the lettering for your lifebuoys and rescue boats.

Machinery Labels

C&C Sign Maker has implemented his range of engraving and printed labels. During these years we have designed several specials labels and brackets basing on the customer needing. Every kind of labels and brackets can be engineered and produced in our company.

Pipe Marking Tapes

ISO 14726:2008 specifies main colours and additional colours for identifying piping system in accordance with the content or function on board ships and marine structures.

This International Standard does apply to piping system for medical gases, industrial gases and cargo.

The colours stripes shall be positioned perpendicular to the axis of the pipe. Pipelines shall be marked at least once in each room; at each penetration point in bulkheads, walls and decks; close to each valve; within a distance of 3 to 5 mt of the lenght of the pipeline, whereby the local conditions may require a more frequent marking due pipe bends or the close proximity of pipes for different service.

Arrows to indicate the direction of flow in a pipe are recommended. Pipes with flow in opposite directions at different times may be marked with arrows pointing in opposite directions. C&C Pipemark tapes are composed by film with high performance polymeric stabilized calendered soft vinyl films, coated with a durable permanent adhesive giving excellent dimensional stability. The tapes are in single colour to for a more economical and flexible solution. C&C can produce any kind of custom tape including three colours tapes and the printing of system name and number for a better understanding.


International Code Flags and National Flags

The bon ton in the use of flags is considered a cornerstone in the seafaring tradition since, as always, the only safe way to communicate between boats is visual and, in some cases, acoustic contact.

Starting from what is the “International Code of Signals” we can see how every single flag acquires a meaning of the letter of the alphabet if hoisted together with others, its own and codified meaning if hoisted individually. In addition to the flags provided for by the international code, there is still a fundamental question to be explored, the flags of nationality, courtesy, shipowners and their uses that we try to illustrate below.

Nationality flags

Each boat or ground station must hoist the flag relating to its nationality at dawn, which will be the largest of all. This is to communicate to anyone who may see us that the boat / base is awake and operational. This same flag will have to be lowered and answered at sunset, when, even if the base does not cease its activities, it is useless for it to be allowed to fly as no one could see it in the dark. On the boat this flag must always be displayed and as far as possible. The flag expresses the nationality of the boat but not necessarily that of the owner.

Armatory flags

The shipowner’s flag is the flag that distinguishes the owner and that can be freely chosen as long as it does not resemble flags already in use. On motor yachts with central shaft, the inner part is hoisted to the left; on boats equipped with a single mast, it is hoisted to the main left hand spreader; on those with more trees to the main cross on the left of the main mast; or, if there is no cross, on those with two masts, on the forward mast, on those with three masts at the stern mast. It is hoisted when the owner gets on and lowered when it gets off. It will always have to leave the place if a high authority (head of state, prince, etc.) is on board in the boat or out of courtesy if there is a senior captain on board, in whose place the relative flag is hoisted.

Gran Pavese

It is made up of the flags of the “International Code of Signals” in alphabetical order and is hoisted for parties or galas.
It extends from the extreme bow to the extreme stern.

Courtesy flags

The courtesy flag is instead the flag that it is “good practice” to hoist when you are sailing in waters or districts other than those of our national flag (eg in Croatia an Italian boat must display the Croatian flag).

For motor boats it is hoisted on the bow rod, for sailboats it must be hoisted to starboard on the outside, while for boats with more than one mast it will be hoisted to the line of the main starboard main spreader. .

Flag of free practice

When entering a foreign port it may sometimes be required by local regulations to place the yellow flag on shore, at the main cross on the left, which corresponds to the letter “Q” of the international code of signals.

This flag, formerly called “quarantine”, corresponds to a declaration made to the maritime authority of the port of arrival, that the crew is in perfect health and that “free practice” is required, that is the permit to moor and land.

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