C&C Marine


C&C Marine has chosen Navimeteo solutions to complete its commercial offer
by integrating the state of the art on board weather forecasts


Navimeteo: 24h full customizable marine weather services

Company Information

Navimeteo’s operational experience began in the Mediterranean Sea in 1989. Over the years, the company has expanded, delivering its services worldwide. The main services are provided to yachts, superyachts and sailing boats as well as to maritime and commercial shipping.

Thanks to collaboration with leading international communication technology companies, Navimeteo has developed specific solutions for weather routing and satellite tracking in order to constantly improve the accuracy of weather forecasts.

An efficient, safe and reliable partner for weather forecasting services, post-event analysis and onboard safety.

Navimeteo provides a comprehensive and highly customisable professional service for all forecasting products and services.
The company provides weather forecasting services on sites, ports and international routes, as well as extremely comprehensive weather charts online. It also supplies and installs professional weather stations and dedicated webcams.

Its constantly updated team of experts are able to conduct post-event analysis, organise training courses at various levels for onboard weather operators and, through collaboration with IMSA (International Maritime Security Associates), provide security data for the protection of ships, passengers, crew members and cargo.

C&C Marine has chosen Navimeteo to complete its offer of navigation systems with a series of high level products and services which are fully customisable and easily integrated with other onboard systems.

Ask our product specialists for more information.

Forecasts delivered every year
Cruise Ships
Trained Captains
0 +


Navimeteo products and services for mariners


Navimeteo weather forecasts offer the following features in support of marine industries worldwide:

  • Summary forecasts.
  • Detailed site, port and route forecasts using multi-model data.
  • 24/7 support.
  • Extreme weather event warnings.
  • Route forecasts.
  • Route optimisation.
  • Vessel monitoring.

Weather Charts

The online weather chart platform provides access to a full range of weather data including:

  • Cloud cover, 3h precipitation and wind
  • Average 10m wind [kts]
  • Gusts [kts]
  • Significant wave height [m]
  • Swell period [s]
  • Surface current [kts]
  • Lake/sea ice cover [%]
  • Sea water salinity [g/kg]
  • Salinity of seawater [g/kg]
  • Visibility [m]
  • Sea water temperature [°c]
  • Air temperature [°c]

Weather Stations

Navimeteo provides high-quality weather stations and webcam installations.

These systems, together with freely available networks of onshore and offshore instruments, always provide an accurate assessment of the current status of marine weather conditions at the observation point.

A careful analysis of environmental parameters is useful for seeing how weather trends develop and is essential in preparing forecasts, especially in critical situations. Weather data recorded by the station can also be used to study past weather events.

Post-event Analysis

Our expert weather forecast team will conduct in-depth metocean analysis to support post-event investigation work, decision-making and future recommendations.

Navimeteo uses a combination of historical observations and detailed, high-resolution forecast data to compile a detailed report for metocean conditions experienced at a specific location or along a route.

Weather Training

Navimeteo organises professional courses for onboard weather operators:

  • General atmospheric circulation.
  • Marine meteorology: pressure, temperature and humidity.
  • Wind and sea.
  • Clouds and weather fronts.
  • Weather navigation: the positioning of the boat in respect of weather systems.
  • The Mediterranean Sea: an in-depth knowledge of its characteristics.
  • Weather information available on board: listening to and understanding weather reports and direct observations by the captain.
  • Weather forecasting on the web: weather data and models.
  • Exercises on actual weather events using bulletins, synoptic charts and weather models.


Navimeteo works with the International Maritime Security Associates (IMSA) on the ARMS platform. This platform can be used to identify many additional risks and threats in significant detail in order to protect ships, crew members and cargo.

The platform includes detailed information on the following risk categories:

  • Civil unrest affecting ports, canals, marinas or waterways.
  • Piracy and maritime security issues including migrant movements worldwide.
  • Delays and closures of ports, canals and waterways.
  • Major global disease outbreaks and health epidemics.
  • Major weather issues.
  • NAVTEX global warning for mariners.
  • Cyber security threats and issues.
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